46664, Prisoner Nelson Mandela

« Il voulait changer l’Afrique du Sud mais au lieu de ça, il a changé le monde. »

Les élèves de 1ère et Terminale du lycée Ernest Cuvelette, à l’initiative de Mme Virginius, professeur d’Anglais, ont assisté lundi 3 janvier à une pièce de théâtre intitulée « 46664, Prisoner Nelson Mandela ». Créée par l’association Théâtre En Anglais, elle raconte l’histoire incroyable d’un homme qui n’a jamais perdu espoir que la justice puisse être ramenée en Afrique du Sud et que le système raciste de l’apartheid puisse être démantelé de façon pacifique. 

C’est l’histoire d’un homme qui a terriblement souffert aux mains de l’Etat sud-africain, c’est l’histoire de sa famille, privée d’un père ou d’un mari pendant plus de 25 ans et de ses amis qui n’ont jamais cessé de croire en lui.

C’est enfin l’histoire du monde, notre histoire, qui a été changée par son courage et ses convictions.

Prisoner 46664, Nelson Mandela  is a play about the Apartheid and Nelson Mandela who is played by Adrien Mubu. There is also Kohane L’Elha who plays Winnie Mandela who was Nelson’s wife.

During the play there were several places staged as the prison court (Robben Island), the house of Nelson Mandela and many others. During the show, they used different tools for a total immersion, such as a screen, a bench, a table and chairs… I liked the show because we could live the life of Nelson Mandela which is not easy to represent with texts. Thanks to the actors,

throughout the play we could feel the difficulties of his life , discrimination … 

Lucas H. TTM

The show is based on the history of Nelson Mandela, it traces his life.

In the show there are four actors who play multiple characters, such as: Nelson Mandela, his teacher, a policeman, his wife , Walter Sisulu and a prison guard. They used many landscapes for better immersion. Various objects are used for the play such as a  screen, fake rocks, bucket ( prison cell) , prisoner’s letter, table and chairs.

I found this play good, the actors performance are well done and the history is nicely told, yet, the show is very long, so is hard to follow all of it with my average level. Nevertheless I understand the majority of the show.

Marvin H. TTF

According to me the play  is good because we could learn about life of Nelson Mandela and about the Apartheid period precisely.

Yassin AS TTF

I really liked it because thanks to their gestures and the songs we understand very well the scene. I wish I could attend the play once again.

Rayan H. 1TM